Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Auto Industry and the South

The fact of this bailout failure is that there is a still a large group of rednecks down south that hear the word 'union' and automatically stick the word 'army' after it.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Right Wing and Arabic Numerals

Right Wing Hypocrisy

I'm glad Michelle Malkin is concerned about the well being of America, I just wish she could do it in a less hypocritical way. It's fine if you don't like Arabic fashion statements (even if you are just using a PAISLEY scarf to go after someone you obviously don't like), just don't be hypocritical. If you don't like Arabic references, then do away with all of them, including the Arabic numerals your site makes extensive use of. If you don't like something, you don't like it. You don't get to pick and choose, that's hypocrisy. I'm sorry Roman numerals are archaic and inconvenient, but that's the choice you make when you don't like Arabic references.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

White Isn't a Race

White isn't a race? Where did he ever get this idea from? Apparently Sue has never glanced at the definition of "white" in the dictionary which leads me to question his credentials. If you're going to examine something, as he has apparently examined being "white", the least you could is look up a definition in the dictionary.

"2 a: being a member of a group or race characterized by light pigmentation of the skin b: of, relating to, characteristic of, or consisting of white people or their culture
—Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Saturday, February 3, 2007

WTF? Bomb?

AP Photo

Does this in any way resemble a bomb to you? No, it looks like something your little brother would do with a Lite Brite.

And that's exactly what it is, a lit up picture of a character from the popular TV show, Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

However, thanks to the culture of fear that has been cultivated in this country since 9/11, this device was indeed regarded as a bomb in Boston. Come on people, let's bend over and remove our head's from our asses. Since when have bombs ever lit up and screamed, "Look at me! Look at me!"

Now, two people have been charged in this ridiculous "case." Peter Berdovsky and Sean Stevens were both charged with planting a hoax device intending to cause a panic. How absurd is that? Will I not be able to watch a Budweiser commercial during the Super Bowl now? After all, advertisers are now considered terrorists in this country.

This advertising campaign did exactly what is was supposed to, attracted attention. Unfortunately due to the culture of fear in this country, it was the negative kind. But, to a company like Turner Broadcasting which owns Cartoon Network and Aqua Teen Hunger Force, any publicity is good publicity. I doubt that there is a single person in this country that hasn't heard of Aqua Teen Hunger Force now.

When will this BS stop? Thanks to the irrational fear propagated by 9/11, even garishly lit boxes with cartoons on them are suspect. We have little to fear about terrorism in this country anymore. The over reaction to the events of 9/11 have assured that. Terrorists don't have to come to America anymore. We went to them, and now they can sleep soundly knowing that even the mention of the word bomb or the sight of a lit up box makes us jumpy.

You would have to be stoned out of your mind to be scared of this. Let's quit worrying about brightly lit boxes and focus on real problems that face our country such as funding for social security and higher education and on international problems like global warming.